Federal agencies are required by law to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified employees with disabilities. The Federal Government may provide you with a reasonable accommodation based on appropriate requests (unless so doing will result in undue hardship to the agencies). For more information, see the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s “Enforcement Guidance: Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship under the Americans with Disabilities Act(external link).”

Reasonable accommodations can apply to the duties of the job and/or where and how job tasks are performed. The accommodation should make it easier for the employee to successfully perform the duties of the position. Examples of reasonable accommodations include providing interpreters, readers, or other personal assistance; modifying job duties; restructuring work sites; providing flexible work schedules or work sites (i.e. telework) and providing accessible technology or other workplace adaptive equipment. Telework(external link) provides employees additional flexibility by allowing them to work at a geographically convenient alternative worksite, such as home or a telecenter, on an average of at least one day per week.

#ADA33: 3 Examples of Reasonable Accommodations and 3 Resources That Can Guide You to Them – Ticket to Work – Social Security (ssa.gov)

Work at Home/Telework as a Reasonable Accommodation | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (eeoc.gov)

Reasonable Accommodations – OPM.gov

Permanent telework can be a reasonable accommodation under the ADA (elcmd.org)

Sample Letters and Inforamtion

Sample Medical Documentation for Workplace Accommodations – Disability Rights Texas (disabilityrightstx.org)

Microsoft Word – Template – Letter for Reasonable Accommodation–Telework (Rev).doc (seiu1000.org)

Sample Language for Accommodation Request Letters (askjan.org)

Your Health Care Provider’s Letterhead


To Whom It May Concern:

I am the treating [job title or description, such as physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, social worker, case worker, or health care professional] for [name of employee or applicant]. 

[Name] has [optional:  name or description of employee’s medical condition,] a medical condition that [substantially*] limits [Name]’s major life activities, including [fill in relevant major life activities, such as:  caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, eating, sleeping, walking, standing, lifting, bending, speaking, breathing, learning, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, or the operation of major bodily function]. 

As a result of [Name]’s disability, [she/he] seeks an accommodation from [employer]. 

[Describe situation and how accommodation will assist employee by enabling him/her to perform job or to maintain health.]

[Name] will require this accommodation from [Start Date] to [End Date] with a possible need for extension upon evaluation.

[Example 1] As a result of [Name]’s disability, she occasionally experiences episodes of disorientation and dizziness.  During these episodes, [Name] must sit or lie down for a few minutes to recover.  Therefore, [Name] needs, as an accommodation, permission to take these short breaks.

[Example 2] As a result of [Name]’s disability, [she/he] is extremely sensitive to distractions, including noise, colors and light.  When these distractions are present, [Name] has difficulty concentrating on [his/her] job.  Therefore, [Name] needs, as an accommodation, a workspace in which these distractions are reduced.

Signature and license number *Federal law (the ADA) requires that the condition “substantially limit” a major life activity.  State law (the FEHA) requires that the condition “limit” a major life activity. 


[Employer’s Name] [Employer’s Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Employer’s Name],

I am writing on behalf of my patient, [Patient’s Name], to request a reasonable accommodation in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). [Patient’s Name] has been diagnosed with [disability/condition], which affects [his/her] ability to [describe how the condition affects the patient’s ability to perform job duties].

The specific accommodation that is being requested is [describe the accommodation being requested]. This accommodation will allow [Patient’s Name] to perform the essential functions of [his/her] job, and will not create an undue hardship for the employer.

I have attached medical documentation that supports this request, including a detailed description of [Patient’s Name]’s condition and the recommended accommodation. Please let me know if you require any additional information or documentation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


[Doctor’s Name] [Doctor’s Title] [Doctor’s Contact Information]

Reasonable Accommodations

Federal agencies are required by law to provide reasonable accommodation to qualified employees with disabilities. The Federal Government may provide you with a reasonable accommodation based on appropriate requests (unless so doing will result in undue hardship to the agencies). For more information, see the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s “Enforcement Guidance: Reasonable Accommodation and Undue Hardship under the Americans with Disabilities Act(external link).”

Reasonable accommodations can apply to the duties of the job and/or where and how job tasks are performed. The accommodation should make it easier for the employee to successfully perform the duties of the position. Examples of reasonable accommodations include providing interpreters, readers, or other personal assistance; modifying job duties; restructuring work sites; providing flexible work schedules or work sites (i.e. telework) and providing accessible technology or other workplace adaptive equipment. Telework(external link) provides employees additional flexibility by allowing them to work at a geographically convenient alternative worksite, such as home or a telecenter, on an average of at least one day per week.

#ADA33: 3 Examples of Reasonable Accommodations and 3 Resources That Can Guide You to Them – Ticket to Work – Social Security (ssa.gov)

Work at Home/Telework as a Reasonable Accommodation | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (eeoc.gov)

Reasonable Accommodations – OPM.gov

Permanent telework can be a reasonable accommodation under the ADA (elcmd.org)