Workplace Operations
SSA may establish occupancy limits for specific offices as a means of facilitating physical distancing, depending on factors like vaccination status, public access, and mission requirements.
Environmental Cleaning
SSA will ensure regular cleaning of common use, high-touch, and high-density spaces, such as lobbies, restrooms, elevators, and stairwells. Office space that is in regular use will be cleaned regularly, and in accordance with CDC guidelines. Wipes and other Environmental Protection Agency-approved disinfectants will be made available for use by individuals to wipe down workstations and related personal property. Physical barriers, such as plexiglass shields, may be installed, where appropriate.
In the event of a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the workplace, SSA will ensure enhanced environmental cleaning of the spaces that the individual occupied or accessed in accordance with CDC and, where applicable, GSA guidance.
The Office of Budget, Finance, and Management or Office of Operations, in coordination with the COVID-19 Coordination Team and the MO, will determine the appropriate scope of workplace closures needed—in some cases, it may be a suite or individual offices or part of a floor, in other cases, it may include an entire building.
Hand sanitizer will be readily available throughout workspaces. Hand sanitizers will contain at least 60 percent alcohol and be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ingredients will be listed on a “Drug Facts” label. SSA will ensure the hand sanitizer is not on the FDA’s do not use list.
Ventilation and Air Filtration
SSA will consider modifications to ventilation systems in accordance with CDC guidance, especially as facility population density increases. To the extent feasible, indoor ventilation will be optimized to increase the proportion of outdoor air and improve filtration. SSA will consider deploying portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) purifiers for closed areas with public traffic like hearing rooms and higher-risk spaces.
Meetings, Events, and Conferences
SSA will avoid hosting in-person meetings, conferences, or events that will be attended by more than 50 participants, unless the event is mission-critical for the public benefit (e.g., enumeration, disaster relief). When unavoidable, regardless of whether participants include members of the public, the Commissioner, in consultation with the COVID-19 Coordination Team, must approve the event. The Chief of Staff or designee must approve an SSA employee’s attendance at a conference attended by more than 50 individuals.
In-person attendees at any meetings, conferences, and events hosted by SSA, regardless of size, must be asked to provide information about vaccination status. In requesting this information, SSA will comply with any applicable Federal laws, including requirements under the Privacy Act and the Paperwork Reduction Act. In-person attendees who are not fully vaccinated or decline to provide information about their vaccination status must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test completed no later than the previous 3 days and comply with masking and physical distancing requirements for individuals who are not fully vaccinated consistent with the requirements for visitors in the Face Masks and Physical Distancing section above. Individuals who fail to comply with these requirements will not be permitted to attend. In person attendees in areas of high or substantial transmission must wear a mask in public indoor settings regardless of vaccination status.
Symptom Monitoring and Screening
If SSA employees, contractor employees, visitors, or individuals seeking a public service or benefit have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, they will not enter an SSA facility. They will also be required to screen for exposures and comply with any CDC guidance related to quarantines or testing after travel.
SSA employees and contractor employees working onsite will regularly complete self-screening. Visitors and individuals seeking a public service or benefit will be asked to follow posted signage to complete symptom screening before entering an SSA facility.
Any individual, regardless of vaccination status, who develops any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 during the workday must immediately isolate, wear a mask (if the individual is not already doing so and one is available), notify a supervisor, and promptly leave the workplace. Supervisors may contact the MO for advice.
Quarantine, Isolation and Steps Following Exposure to Someone Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19.
Any individual with a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 will be advised to isolate, pursuant to CDC guidelines.
Employees and contractor employees who have had a close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID- 19 will follow CDC and State, local, and Tribal guidance for quarantine.
If an employee is subject to isolation due to being infected with COVID-19 and is unable to telework, the employee may request personal leave (e.g., sick leave, annual leave, credit hours).
Confidentiality and Privacy
All medical information collected from individuals, including vaccination information, test results, and any other information obtained as a result of testing and symptom monitoring, will be treated in accordance with applicable laws and policies on confidentiality, privacy, and the security of information technology. Positive tests will be recorded for the OSHA Illness and Injury Log when appropriate. Managers may consult the MO on questions about medical information or concerns. Questions about legal authority to share medical information internally or externally may be directed to Office of the General Counsel (OGC), Office of General Law. When submitting questions to the MO or OGC, managers must exclude identifying information about individuals unless the MO or OGC requests it.